Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holiday shopping..

For as long as I can remember the kids have been buying Christmas presents for each other to open Christmas Eve. I believe the tradition started one of the years that Bill's parents was overseas. We had always gone to their house for dinner and family gifts on Christmas Eve and I remember we were struggling to find something to make our holiday tradition that year. It may also have started when one of the kids had a really thoughtful suggestion about what they wanted to get one of their siblings. Because ya know when they are little they pretty much just want to get the gift that they will enjoy playing with. It really doesn't matter what the other person would enjoy. So when one of them actually thinks about someone's likes and dislikes you want to reward them by letting them experience the joy of giving a really appreciated gift. It has become a tradition that has given us many valued memories!

When you have four kids one of the things that is rare and precious is getting time alone with each of them, especially the boys because dad is so much more fun that mom. The girls all I have to say is "anyone want to go shopping?" And I usually have at least one taker! So sibling shopping has as a rule developed into something that is done alone with mom. It is fun to watch and hear the thought process that goes into the gifts. Now they usually go more along the lines of the person's personality. For instance, there is one child that has bought Zach the same thing in different forms for the last three Christmases. The gift is loved and kinda adds to a collection he has going. I sometimes wonder if it will develop into a lifelong thing. I can't reveal what it is right now just in case one of them reads it. For some reason, everyone seems to get Zach gag gifts or humorous ones! Kinda goes with the personality right?

Shopping with boys can be quite a bit different than with girls. It usually takes a little longer because what guy in his right mind actually knows what gift to get a girl??? And my boys have three girls to buy for!!! Fortunately for my girls my boys have become pretty good shoppers. I tell myself that I am preparing them to be good husbands some day. Another way it is different? When the girls say, "oh look at that!!!" In an excited voice you can pretty safely figure what you are being directed to look at will be a cute outfit, shoes or a coach purse. However, when Zach says, "Yes! Check it out!!" You just never know where you should look or what it will be. Last night it happened to be a huge rubber band on the floor! Silly boy! It was one of those times I was laughing so hard trying to explain what was funny that he couldn't understand me. The boys also tend to be more likely to do a list when they shop. So usually they are finished pretty quickly. The girls can shop for days.....for one person! I have really come to enjoy the individual time spent with them! As they get older it is more and more difficult to find the time to spend with them.

Another reason, I have enjoyed this tradition is watching them try to keep their gifts a secret until Christmas Eve. Poor Cole has a really hard time with this one. In fact, the kids know not to ask for any clues about his gifts because the clue usually gives away the gift! Zach likes to disguise his packages by making them bigger so no one can figure out their sizes! He also likes to use clothing to disguise any noise or rattle the gift might make. That's how he has ended up with only two pair of underwear right now because he used all his clean underwear to cushion a package! They were CLEAN!!! He was just being green!!!!! Isn't that in style right now???
Kirsten has gotten where she doesn't even put her gifts under the free until Christmas Eve because she has a hard time deceiving people about their gifts. Lauren probably does the best at keeping things secret. This year Zach got his brother something he will love, something he has been dying to have. He is so excited to watch him open it. I explained to him that that is why adults love Christmas watching the other person open their gifts and see them be excited about them. His response, "yea but the gifts that adults get stink!" No worries, he's not growing up any time soon! Well, I need to get some wrapping done so I had better get moving!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's Been Awhile...

I don't know if anyone really checks out our blog anymore but for those that do...we're still alive!!! We have just been keeping up with life.

We survived the rocky start we had with fall sports and have moved right into the winter season. Lauren is doing conditioning for Varsity Lax at the high school. Kirsten continues off season practices for her travel softball and she's also doing varsity lax at the high school. Zach tried out and was awarded a position on a travel lax team. And Cole is playing rec lax this spring too. They are all doing really well at their chosen sports and have adapted to life at their new school pretty well. Do they still miss PA? You bet! In a heartbeat they would all move back to PA if given the choice. They all had good solid friendships there which I don't think they even realized until it was too late. It has made us all realize those that truly cared and those that were just along for the ride. You know, those Facebook friends who you except the friend request from only because you feel like you have to? I pretty much knew who my best friends were when we lived in Etown but this move just reaffirmed it for me. I think it has done the same for the kids because they consistently request to see the same kiddos when we go back to PA for a visit. I miss those same kiddos too! Unfortunately, because I spend so much time getting them to see their friends I feel like I miss out on the time I want to spend with my friends and family. I'm hoping we are able to have a nice long trip to PA sometime this summer. I so miss having the ability to just walk down the street and chat with a gal pal over a glass of wine or cup of coffee. Most of my neighbors here are two income families so no one is really around during the day. I did find a couple scrapbooking groups online that meet a couple times a month at a local store so I signed up to attend one of their gatherings in December. I figure I will at least have something in common with them.

I think the one thing I don't miss in PA is the weather. The weather here in Georgia has been wonderful since about the middle of September. Lately it has been in the mid 60s to low 79s it's wonderful weather to enjoy some time out on the porch with a glass of wine in the evening or a toasty mug of coffee in the morning. It's weird because it seems like it rarely rains. Kirsten made the remark that she kinda missed a nice rainy day here and there. I never thought about it when we were there but I guess the occasional rainy day stuck inside is kinda nice. I don't however miss the gray, rainy cold days that go on and on and on.. We haven't had measurable rain in quite some time. Of course, the girls and I decided to go to Atlanta for some Christmas shopping and girl time today and what do ya rained all day!!! It figures!!! As we were dashing in and out of stores I asked kirsten if she still missed the rainy days! We got some shopping done for the boys but that was about all. They were able to give me plenty of ideas for their lists of course!
Well, it's getting late I will try not to let so much time pass between posts! Love y'all and miss ya too!