Thursday, January 3, 2013

Amicalola Falls

Today we decided to do a little exploration...ok, yes I admit I decided to drag the children kicking and screaming out of the house with the threat of no electronic devices hanging over their heads to go exploring. Now, in some of the pictures you may notice that they are actually smiling. They actually admit to having fun now but those smiles were bought with a bribe of a milkshake when it was over. At least the boys' smiles were. They arent easy to get to smile. And with such a gorgeous background I did not want to end up with pictures of serial killers on my camera. It was a great place to hike. Never mind the 425 steps that go down along the falls and then the 175 steps that go further down the falls. Add that up and realize that we did those steps not once but twice. I tried to convince the kids to hook up some kind of system to drag me out but they couldn't manage that so we had to do it the hard way!


As you can see there are alot of stairs!  Going down was great!  Coming back up was not too terrible.  Not so bad that I wouldn’t do it again. Finding somewhere this beautiful so close to our house definitely gave Georgia some bonus points!  It was perfect hiking and picture weather too!


This is the view from the top of the falls.  We hiked all the way down to the road at the bottom.IMG_6008

A rare but very natural smile on Zach


Until now there haven’t been many pics of me taken with my kiddos.  As my parents have aged I realize how sad it is that we have so few pictures of them with us.  One of my new year’s resolutions was to actually be in more pictures no matter how bad I think I look. Someday they will cherish these kinds of pictures.


Growing up too fast! 


The view from almost the bottom of the falls.  It was impossible to catch the entire falls in a picture. 


The kids on the bridge that crosses the falls.


My monkeys.This is the point that made me start bribing the boys with ice cream.


See what a little ice cream can do for a photographer?


Yes, this smile was paid for with a milkshake. Pretty fake looking eh?








From the very bottom of the falls.




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