Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Update

Well, after a very long ride we are finally home to the house that no longer feels like a home. It is nicer than living in a hotel lol! The kids are back to spending time with their friends. So many of which have become like second children to me. I've watched most of them grow almost from infancy to independent fun loving kids. We are in somewhat of a holding pattern in the house buying area. We were able to gain access to the home owner association rules and disclosures on the house we are interested in. 67 pages of legalese in the homeowners association has left us saying to one and other "what in the world does that mean?!?". Plus, we haven't heard whether our offer has even been accepted. I know if it was really meant to be God will find a way to make it happen. I find myself saying to Him "could you please make your plan a little clearer?" I'm not sure why I bother to question when I know He's in control. I guess it's because it would make these decisions a lot easier if He coul just slip the right house, in the right neighborhood, with the right price with a signed agreement under Bills hotel room door. So far that hasn't happened. Kirsten has her final softball game here in Elizabethtown tomorrow night. I am praying for a championship win. It would be a great ending note. Her team is full I a great bunch of girls and wonderful coaches. I wish I could stick them all in a box and pack them away to Georgia with us. The next coach will have big shoes to fill. I have been trying to get some pictures uploaded from our trip but for some reason I can't seem to get them from my iPhone to the blog. Any ideas fellow bloggers?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Laundry Time!

I thought I would share one of my country girl in the big city experiences from this week. Bill's been doing his own laundry while he's been down here. I know I was shocked too. It's amazing what men and children can do when they must! His sorting might have been a little too specific. He used 6 machines for one weeks worth of clothes for one person. I know! That's a lot of laundry right? I never said they were full machines! Anyway, the importnt thing is that the clothes got clean and he's still alive.

So one morning after a bad cup of McDonald's coffee I gathered the laundry. I texted Bill to find out where he usually went and when I got no response I decided to google laundromats near my current location. The first and closest one was called "number one laundromat" I put the address in my new best friend, the gps, and headed out. It was only about two blocks from the hotel. I arrived at the strip mall where it was located. I felt like I had arrived in Mexico and I'm not talking about the white sand beachy section. I'm thinking more along the lines of the section of Mexico city where every home has a secure safe room. I'm sure all the gentleman were just sweet good citizens enjoying A relaxing day off from their demanding jobs, but I wasn't going to take a chance. So I headed to the next one on the list. A much nicer location near the local community college. It was run by a truly sweet Asian man with a southern accent. Yes, picture broken English spoken with a Chinese Southern drawl. And to think I was worried about the kids being made fun of for their fun y accents. When I got back to the hotel I asked Bill why he sent me to that bad section of the city to do laundry. He said he hadn't even noticed that it was bad. He just did his laundry and left. Of course, now that he knows that the area is loaded with day workers looking for work be wil most likely return with his laundry and hire someone to do the laundry! :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life With The Three Stooges

Now I truly believe a great day starts with a good cup of coffee. No McDonalds coffee for me this morning. Bill was off since it was the weekend and we had a 9am showing appointment so we left the room way too early. And of
course, since my darling hubby is not a coffee drinker his priority is not coffee when he wakes up. After spending about 15 minutes in the car with me coffee quickly became HIS priority! I got a great cup at a gas station like Sheetz in PA. And we were off to see 12 more houses!

At this point we have narrowed it down to two that we are really torn about. Down here nice flat yards just do not happen. To find a house in a development(aka subdivision down here)that has a flat yard and privacy is a prize. We have found not one but two such houses! So why are we not signing on the dotted line? Well, there is a third house that is a foreclosure on five acres and it has a pool. Believe it or not it is also incredibly rare to find a house with a pool too. Who would have thought that would be the case when it's so hot down here? Not me that's fer sure! So, we have an appointment to finally get in this house on Monday. The original owner is a tenant and he has been doing everything she can to avoid us getting the house for a showing. I don't blame her if someone was trying to buy my house as a foreclosure I would be the same way. We are hoping and praying we don't lose our first or second choice trying to get in this foreclosure. We have decided if that happens it just was not God's plan and we will deal with it when it happens. Of course our realtor so kindly pointed out that we will be homeless on July 17th. Isn't that sweet of him? I think he's just scared I'll drag him to see another 30 houses if they sell! The real estate market seems to be picking up down here either that or they just aren't updating as frequently as they need to. So I guess just this is another test of faith for us.
Talk to y'all soon!

Friday, June 22, 2012

hello world!


bad start to a good day?

Hello World Welcome to our Crazy Life

We've been in Georgia for three days now and while I can't say we have settled in I can say that the place is growing on me. I though it might be fun to take you all with me in our "adventure" but couldn't find room in the van for ya so this will have to do. The kids are all still asleep while I sit at the McDonalds down the street sipping bad coffee. This has become the one stable thing in my life right now bad coffee at McDonalds every morning. Sad isn't it? The agenda for the day: Drink bad coffee Wake up grumpy children Shuffle them out to the car Find a movie for them to watch while I drive around looking at houses Find a home I do ok with the first couple items it's that last one that seems to be the difficult one. Wonder why? Well, hopefully I'll post some pics of houses for you to consider for us. Be back later!