Friday, June 22, 2012

Hello World Welcome to our Crazy Life

We've been in Georgia for three days now and while I can't say we have settled in I can say that the place is growing on me. I though it might be fun to take you all with me in our "adventure" but couldn't find room in the van for ya so this will have to do. The kids are all still asleep while I sit at the McDonalds down the street sipping bad coffee. This has become the one stable thing in my life right now bad coffee at McDonalds every morning. Sad isn't it? The agenda for the day: Drink bad coffee Wake up grumpy children Shuffle them out to the car Find a movie for them to watch while I drive around looking at houses Find a home I do ok with the first couple items it's that last one that seems to be the difficult one. Wonder why? Well, hopefully I'll post some pics of houses for you to consider for us. Be back later!

1 comment:

  1. Great way to stay in touch! Looking forward to the pics ! The girl I babysit for looked at your house here. They loved it! (Jess Drager)
