Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Week of Firsts...

Well, since I have four kids I'm pretty sure you know that I'm talking about that "first". I did have a much more interesting post all ready to go but somehow that one got deleted so we'll just go with a newsy update for now and I'll redo the other one later.

So the first thing that I experienced for the first time was a red ant bite yesterday. I feel fortunate to be able to say "a red bite ant" instead of many. I was standing in the grass watching Kirsten's softball game when I felt something crawling on my foot. I looked down and saw an ant crawling on my foot. Since it was only one and I didn't see an army behind it I figure I just brush it off and be done with it. WRONG! Those little suckers pack a powerful punch. In case you've never r experienced one it is a lot like a bee sting only it hurts for about an hour. I am so glad it was just one I can't imagine more than one! I just keep thinking if it were a little kid with multiple stings how awful it would be!
Well, I recovered from it but not after a sufficient amount of whining. Hey! Ya gotta work it for what it's worth! Us moms don't get sympathy very often!

The second first happened right after that and it was Zach's first touchdown as a Grizzly. So proud of that kid for sticking it to his coaches! I wanted to jump up and down and yell! HA! I'll full y'all in a little later on why that was such a big deal.

The third thing that happened was Kirsten was offered a spot on a travel team! Take that Etown travel team coaches because not only was she offered one but every team she has tried out for has offered her a spot. And softball down here is soooo much bigger than in Etown! At least one kid isn't going to be the victim of small town mindsets!

And the last thing that is happening is that I am making boiled peanuts for the first time. My kids and my dad both love them and they are ridiculously expense to buy already made so I figured I'd do it myself. It isn't too hard really you just buy green peanuts, which would be the hard part for you northerners because I never knew there was such a thing until I came down here. Then you boil three quarts water and 1/3 cup salt. Then put the peanuts in to boil for an hour and a half. I'll let you know how they turn out. I hope they taste like the real thing!

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