Friday, August 17, 2012

Too Many Toilets!

I spent the day cleaning this big ole house. I feel as though I may see toilets in my sleep tonight. I managed to get most of the floor cleaning and toilet scrubbing done but only one shower and one tub. I think next week these kiddos are going to learn the fine art of toilet scrubbing. Zac actually had a good idea. Right now we haven't made a final decision on which kid will be sleeping where permanently. Almost all the bedrooms need painted due to too many rooms with Gorky colors so we may do so rearranging of rooms. So, Zac's idea was that whoever keeps their bathroom cleanest gets to have their own. You wouldn't think that would come from Zac because typically his would be the messiest but he has been doing a great job keeping his neat and clean. I'll leave it to your imagination to try to figure out who's was the messiest to clean! took pretty much the entire day to clean this house from top to bottom. Won't do it that way again unless I have to. It's much easier just to clean a little each day.

We lost power tonight for about three hours. One of the big "selling features"of this development was that it had underground utilities. Well, underground utilities do ya no good when those wires connect to wires that run through the woods! Lauren called me on the way home from school to say that there was a tree down on the wires and it was smoking. So by the fire department got there it was fully engulfed. When I called to ask how long until the power came back on thy told me that the priority was putting out the forest fire then fixing the wires could commence. Hmmm...seems like a good idea to put the fire out first! It was then that I realized that our development is completely surrounded by very dense woods. Make that very dense DRY woods! Okay now I have forest fires to add to the list of things that can kill you in Georgia...scorpions, poisonous snakes, black widow spiders, tornados(happen quite frequently I'm told) and forest fires!9. This must be why everyone though it would be such a great adventure huh?

I think I may have found my first friend here in Georgia. I would tell you her name but I honestly can't recall what it is! She lives in the same cul de sac as us and home schools her son. Coke and her son T have been playing pretty nicely together lately. She just moved to Georgia from Mississippi last year so she can relate to all our struggles. She gave me the scoop on some of the neighbors. It was nice to be able to sit around and talk about "mom" stuff with someone. I miss being able to escape to a friends house for a few minutes of laughs and wine or coffee depending on the time of day. She and I are the only stay at home moms on our street. And are ya ready for this she has three kiddos with another on the way and she SCRAPBOOKS!!!! I was so happy to find out someone that scrapbooks almost jumped up and down. Granted, she's not quite as into as my good friend, Kathy in Etown but that's okay. I'll just have to Skype with Kathy once I get my computer set up again.

Sorry to leave ya hanging like this but I seem to be battling the flu or some such nonsense and the NyQuil that I just took is blessedly starting to kick in and if I don't end here I'll probably stop making sense. Good nite y'all!

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