Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Still Homeless

It's the last day of summer vacation for our kids. School shoes have been bought, for those that could make up their minds. Lauren wanted to wait and see what the fashion forward Georgians are wearing this fall before choosing her shoes. School sports are well under way for Kirsten and Zach. Lauren's cheering tryout will be sometime this week or next. And Cole will be trying baseball this fall for the first time. School supplies have been bought for each child. Be thankful that your schools supply your kids with a ridiculous amount of stuff. When I got the lists down here I was astounded. I would not have been surprised at all to see "please supply your own toilet paper" on the list. Of course, my school taxes are half of what they were in PA so I really can't complain. School clothes have been bought. Again, do not complain about the high school dress code in PA. It could be worse, much worse. Put it this way Cole will be wearing polo shirts and khakis and Lauren will be wearing jeans with no holes. Why jeans? That's because it is nearly impossible to find shorts that meet the requirements.

And we're still homeless... we aren't living under a bridge or in a dumpster but I'm seriously starting to wonder. We were supposed to close on the 27th and yesterday Bill told me possibly by Friday of this week. That was before he emailed the CEO of our mortgage company. It was also before he received an after hours phone call from the bank saying we had been appointed a special case worker to get things moving. No one seems to know what the hold up has been except the real estate market has picked up in recent weeks and the underwriters are swamped. We'll see! Living At the hotel hasnt been horrible but the commute to school will be...an hour one way. Things get more complicated when your child that is supposed to ride a bus needs to be a car rider too. Nothing is simple at these schools. I guess it streamlines stuff but until we are in the house it will mean I have to drive Cole to the bus stop at 7:15am and pick him up at the bus stop at 3:03pm then wait an hour on either side of those times for Zach and then wait around for the evening sports. I'm thinking we will be doing homework at the local library for this week. Unless, this new "special" caseworker solves this problem today.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dekalb Farmer's Market

Today we went to check out the Dekalf Farmer's Market. It is an indoor, air conditioned(big selling feature for me) international Farmer's market. It has everything you can possibly imagine growing on a farm plus a seafood section and an organically grown section that is bigger than any I've ever seen. I don't think the prices are as good as at roots but they gotta pay for that air conditioning somehow right? Cole loved seeing all the fresh seafood and he also liked that it was air conditioned. This Farmer's market is about 35 miles from our new house so I doubt it will be frequently used but it is air conditioned.... Did I mention that air conditioning is a pretty nice thing down here?

Blue Crabs!


Fresh seafood

Butter fresh from the churn

Dragon Fruit

Both of the boys like to play Dragonvale on their iPods and I guess they feed their dragons dragon fruit because they were so excited to see that it is a real fruit.

Long beans

We thought these were cool because they looked like two foot long green beans. Zach loves his Nanny's green beans so he's going to try to convince her to grow these next year!

Bean sprouts

Winter Melons

I have no idea what these taste like but we thought it was cool that they looked like frosty watermelon.

Avocados for my guacamole supplier!

If I liked coconut this would be ideal freshly peeled and ready to eat!

Sugar Cane...doesn't get any fresher or more organic than this!

Pineapple Machine

I had to take a picture of this for my friend Anne Marie and my mother in law, Linda. Who have both tried to show me how to peel and core a pineapple. This machine makes it simple. You just walk up and this nice man takes your pineapple and puts it in the machine pulls a lever then hands you a perfectly peeled, cored and bagged pineapple. The guy thought m fascination with the machine was funny. Of course, he laughed even harder when I told him I needed one of those machines for my new kitchen!

Tons of ginger

Green Peanuts from Florida! These are what you use to make boiled peanuts.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just Checking In

Today went well, I guess.  Of course, it depends who you ask.  We started the day looking for softball pants.  Yes, they wear pants to play softball when it's 105 degrees outside.  Crazy right?  The coach was telling us how the field is so much rougher than the fields in PA.  Kirsten says the field is actually softer than most of the fields that she has played on.  Of course, these girls also use yoga mats for conditioning.  We haven't figured that out yet!  So, poor Kirsten was the only girl on the team the first night that was wearing shorts.  She didn't care.  She just had to demonstrate how you slide in shorts since they couldn't believe she slid in shorts.  Anyway....

After our search for softball pants we needed to stop by the high school to iron out some scheduling issues for Lauren.  Unfortunately, that didn't go to well and we left with a very unhappy Lauren.  I am hoping I don't need to drop the sweet Sharon thing I have going on and straighten things out.  There are very few electives at this school and of course all the good ones are taken.  So they want to put her in an Economics class and a weight lifting class.  Sounds like fun right?  Let's put the new kid in whatever we have left and make her feel like a total idiot.  So we shall see how this goes.  Lauren is not happy with things the way they are.  Tomorrow they are supposed to go on a tour of the school and maybe meet their teachers.  Zach also gets to go on a tour of his school tomorrow.  They are all less than excited about starting school so soon.  This summer has not been relaxing at all!

This afternoon we went to the pool in our new neighborhood.  The pool is beautiful and as you can see the boys had a wonderful time.  I think the water slide will be a big hit for awhile.  Zach seemed to hit it off pretty good with the kid from his football team.  Zach says, "He's no Dave or Ty but he was ok."  The girls were able to meet up with a couple girls from the neighborhood too.  It was pretty awkward for them but they did all exchange numbers before we left so I think that is a good sign.  The moms seemed pretty nice.  It's kinda hard to tell because everyone is on their best behavior right now.  They invited me to mimosa morning which is something they do the first day of the school year.  I assured them that if I'm in the neighborhood I will definitely be ready for a little drink by that time!  Perhaps several drinks, no I didn't tell them that!  I'm on my good behavior remember!  How could I possibly tell them to forget the mimosa's and bring out the keg?  So don't worry dear PA friends no one is taking your places any time soon.  That is what I miss most...people that I can just be myself with.  My friends are like comfy jeans. Well broken in and able to be relaxed in.  The new people are like those jeans that you keep in your closet for the day you lose all that baby weight.  You know, the ones you take out and try on and you have to suck in your stomach.  They are only able to be worn for a little while until you start to feel uncomfortable.  Now ya get the picture?

Softball is going great for Kirsten.  She is practicing with the varsity team.  Tonight a different coach approached Bill and asked if Kirsten was with a travel team yet.  It was so nice for someone to recognize her talent.  Small town politics seem to have prevented Kirsten from moving forward with softball in Etown.  I'm not sure what happened but evidently we didn't know the right people or kiss up to the right people.  That is one thing that we are loving about this area.  It's just not full of politics because most people did not grow up here and they definitely didn't attend the high school because the school is only 3 years old.  The coach Kirsten worked with in Etown with rec ball was wonderful and we loved her.  She was patient and really taught Kirsten alot.  The varsity coach down here seems good so far.  He is constantly teaching someone something so that's great.  He's very much of the mindset that there is always something you can be taught.  I think it is a good thing because it keeps their heads from getting too big.  We're reserving judgement on him but so far he seems pretty good with the girls.  He's got some pretty big shoes to fill.

Zach's football is going ok too.  He is still a little lost on the plays because he hasn't seen a playbook yet.  Apparently they are the holy grail and no one actually sees one of those.  You just learn by repetition.  Again, these football coaches have some pretty big shoes to fill.  We loved all the coaches that worked with the kids in Etown.   



Gotta love it!

Cole loved the new slide too!

Pushing the limits...as usual!

Better than a diving board?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just thought I would add this pic I took tonight at football practice. I was reminded of our days sitting at Boys Club watching Zach's practices because the parents were always trying to figure out where to sit to hide from the sun that blared in our eyes. Well, new football field, new team and I'm still waiting for the sun to drop down behind the trees!

And We're Off.....

No, we're not off to a beautiful tropical island or anywhere terribly exciting just fall sports season.  Zach's football practices are now in football swing.  His coaches are tough.  Very few water breaks and then it's only long enough for a quick swig of water and then run back out on the field.  No lolly gagging(not sure how ya spell it).  Tonight they just finished the third night of conditioning with just helmets.  Tomorrow night they have off and then Thursday they go to full pads and hitting.  Of course, Zach can't wait for the hitting to begin.  He seems to think he will be playing left wing but of course, they haven't given out any positions for sure.  They have two scrimmages in August and I'm sure no permanent positions will be given out before those are over.  He says it's pretty awkward being the new guy on the team and not knowing the plays or anyone to talk to.  I had that feeling a little tonight when I was the only parent not standing in a group chit chatting during practice.  Takes you right back to high school insecurities.  So much for Southern hospitality...maybe that's only in their individual homes or something.  I overheard one of the mom's saying she was chased through her subdivision(development) by a coyote.  At that point, I couldn't help myself  I had to inquire as to whether that is a common occurrence.  I'm sorry but when I hear chase I picture running as fast as I can(which isn't that fast) to get away from something.  And when it's a wild animal that's doing the chasing that's some scary stuff, especially one with teeth!  So, after a little chatting I found out that isn't common. Darn, just when I thought I had found an excuse to use for not going on a morning run!  Coyote sightings are evidently pretty common though even in the subdivisions.  The ladies were saying they can hear the pack howling sometimes in the evenings when they are outside.  I know! I can read your mind and you're thinking "Where did you move?"  That is exactly what I am thinking.  After basically inserting myself into that group conversation, yea I know kinda rude but it's kinda rude to not welcome people too sooooo. I found out that there is another kid on the team from our subdivision.  He just so happens to be minus a best friend since his just moved from the neighborhood a few weeks ago. She invited us for a swim day on Thursday at our new neighborhood pool.  Since we don't have the pass code we still need an invite.  At least that will give us something to do on Thursday.  And maybe we'll be able to get to know a few other neighbors too.

Kirsten finally got started with softball on Monday too.  She just had conditioning but she said it was way worse than the field hockey workouts Coach Derr had them doing last year.  Tomorrow night they have their first official team practice.  Should be interesting!

Hotel life is wearing on us all.  We are staying in a really nice two bedroom suite complete with a living room and a kitchen.  Sounds wonderful right?  Not really!  Not with four stressed out kids, a stressed out mom and a dad that just wants everyone to be happy and can't quite figure out what to do with us!  I think the biggest problem is that no one has any space to just get away from everyone and relax.  You don't realize how precious that alone time is to your sanity until you know longer have it! I also think the move is taking it's toll on the kids.  They are all secretly worrying about their sports, making new friends and everything else that goes with being the new kids.  And I'm just worrying about all of that for them! 

We did some school shopping today.  I thought it would maybe build some excitement for the first day of school.  It didn't.  As it turns out the new school dress code is even stricter than Elizabethtown's.  For the boys it isn't too bad.  They just need to make sure they aren't wearing chains and that they are wearing belts around their waists.  For the girls it's like bashing you're head against the wall.  We spent hours trying to find shorts that they were willing to wear that fit the dress code.  They don't exist!  It's basically Bermuda shorts or capris.  Well, right now it is very hard to find capris maybe again in the fall they will be around.  And the Bermuda shorts just are not all that flattering to either of the girls.  They've decided they will be wearing jeans year round.  After I talked to a couple moms at football practice that sounds like the "in" thing to do anyway.  You would think that since all the schools have the same dress code down here that the stores would carry some more fashionable looking shorts that meet the dress code.  I guess someone forgot to send them that memo!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Living the Southern Life

Fortunately for me, my father is from the South, South Carolina specifically. So not everything has been totally strange for me. That has been part of the fun for me introducing the kids to things that I remember experiencing with my dad when we would visit relatives in the South. One of those things is boiled peanuts. Yes, they are actually boiled in salt water. When they come out they deliciously salty and and soft. The nut inside is similar in texture to a pea and the shell is easily peeled away. We discovered a little road side market at the end of the road that leads to our subdivision. They give free samples of sweet tea and sell these delicious southern delicacies. The boiled peanuts were not a total hit with the kids Kirsten didn't care for them but the other three loved them. In fact, Zach has discovered a new addiction. Every time we pass the little stand he wants some. The other thing I discovered in this little store that took me back to my childhood was grape nehis in a glass bottle. It's simply a grape soda but for me it was like a step back in time. I'm not sure why I have such fond memories of them because it's just grape soda. It could be because as a child I once shook one and when my mom went to open it it shot all over the ceiling of the kitchen. Quite the mess! If I hadn't gotten in so much trouble I would probably have been rolling on the floor laughing. Yes, if there was ever any doubt where the devilish side of my children, namely Zach, comes from you now know. In fact, sometimes I can totally relate to the goofy stuff he does and I have to remind myself to be the grown up. Other times I just go along with him and have a great bonding time and lapse back into childhood. I think more adults should follow their children's lead more often. It would definitely result in a much more interesting world and many lasting laughable memories.

Friday, July 20, 2012

We Survived the First Half of the Move

We left at about 6:30am on the 18th and arrived here in Sandy Springs around 10:30pm. No, it's not really that long of a drive.  Don't get me wrong, it is a loooonnnggg one, but the main reason it took us so long is a lot of bad luck.  The first bad luck happened in the mountains of Virginia when we came across an entire section of Rte 81 that was completely closed.  Who closes both lanes of a major highway for blasting in the middle of the day?  Better question, who reroutes all the traffic from the major highway that was closed through a tiny town the size of Rheems, PA???? The traffic was horrendous.  Worse yet, I had Lauren following me so we needed to stay together as much as possible.  That was not easy nor fun for either of us!  The second incidence was totally my fault.  I was all excited about being allowed in the HOV lanes on Rte 77.  My dear friend by the name of GPS screamed at me not to get in those lanes but did I listen???? NO!  I know you would think I had learned my lesson after our adventure in Triple X land the last time we were here.  But believe me when you are sitting in traffic and those empty HOV lanes appear they look like the golden road to heaven!  And they were until I saw the exit to Rte 85 our next highway disappear in a flash.(yes, I was flying).  That mistake resulted in us being rerouted through downtown Charlotte, NC.  It wasn't quite as bad as Triple X land but we did see an establishment called Nikki's Paper Dolls.  Kirsten and I were busy laughing over it and of course, Cole wanted to know what paper dolls are and who would want to play with them.  His innocence is always a wonderful opportunity for a chuckle.  I pray he holds on to that innocence for a long while!  I think each of those traffic nightmares accounted for an hour per incident.  The final catastrophe was the deluge of rain we drove through in South Carolina.  I'm just a little hard headed, in case you hadn't noticed,  and I will literally drive as long as I can see the car in front of me.  This rain storm actually stopped me in my tracks!  I have never seen it rain so hard.  The lightning was incredible too!  I love watching lightning from the safety of a car.  It's like having a front row seat to a great show!  Since it was such a great show and it was pouring cats and dogs, we decided to pull over and wait it out.  That probably added a half hour to the trip too.  Three major stops, a lunch break, a coffee break and multiple bathroom breaks for Cole and that is why the trip took so long!

It has taken two days but I am finally able to put a sentence together.  Yesterday I managed to get the other three kids registered for school to their dismay.  The staff was very helpful especially the high school athletic director.  He is the go to guy for anything involving the athletics here.  And with four kids involved in athletics of all kinds I'm sure we'll get to know him well.  Especially since I have two wrestlers and he was the former wrestling coach at the high school and we have two wrestlers.    I talked to Kirsten's softball coach this evening and confirmed her eligibility for the varsity team.  The eligibility rules down here are incredible.  I had to fill out about 10 forms all for the purpose of . proving that she had not been recruited or offered anything in return for attending the new school.
Of course, my sarcastic little mind came up with all kinds of things I could say to prove she had not been recruited, but since I am on this new kick of being just the sweetest little thing since sweet tea I kept my mouth shut.  Yes, you read that right.  Here I'll repeat it just so you don't think you're mind is playing tricks on ya! I KEPT MY MOUTH AND BRAIN FILLED ALL KINDS OF GOOD SARCASTIC COMMENTS COMPLETELY SHUT AND TO  MYSELF!!!  Now, I know you're probably in shock.  Don't be! The real reason is I was just too stinking tired to fight.  Especially since I had just finished filling out paperwork to enroll all the kids.  We're talking a ton of forms.  While i was filling out the forms for Zach's JH  I was chatting with the secretary there.  She was great and seems like she will be full of laughs when she meets Zach.  I almost collapsed when I handed her the forms and said, "I am so happy all the forms are done for all four kids."  And she said, " Oh honey, on the first day of school you'll get a whole new set of the same forms to fill out!"  She had a great chuckle at the look on my face.  I'm glad I made her day and she can be glad I am as sweet at sweet tea. LOL!

Next week we will begin our fall sports schedule Zach has football Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Not sure what happened to Wednesday practices.  Maybe that's just so I don't blow my brains out mid week. Kirsten has softball practices 4 out of the five days also.  Of course, we couldn't have Wednesday off.  She does have practice that day but not Tuesday.  None of this will be an issue when we are settled in our house and school is 10 minutes away but right now we are about 45 minutes away and when I have to go up to that area the whole crew must come with me.  I keep telling myself only five days of this craziness!  Lauren's cheering hasn't started yet so I guess that will be to my advantage.  I'm sure that will end up starting soon though. 

The new hotel is much more spacious and nicer than where Bill was staying.  My fun for the week has been telling people we're homeless and watching how uncomfortable they become.  I know it's mean right?  Well, I am technically homeless right now and it's kinda a social experiment.  So since it's in the name of science it's not mean.  f I was reading a book called "A Girl's Guide to Homelessness" The author talks about peoples reactions when they find out she's homeless and it made me curious.  Let's just say all the rich people here are feeling a little uncomfortable around us!  Well, I'm off to wreak more havoc!  Have a good evening!


Monday, July 16, 2012

hello world!


The lone surviving coffee mug going in the box. Will it survive the move?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saying Goodbye...

Good byes feel a lot like there's been a death in the family. You'll be doing something ordinary like loading the dishwasher and a stupid coffee mug willake you start crying your eyes out. It wasn't just any coffee mug. It was the sole surviving coffee mug that I bought with my best friend from high school, Donna. I waited seven years to buy coffee mugs that match my kitchen. And just in late April of this year while I was out with Donna shopping that I would finally buy new mugs. I even joked that now that I finally was buying matching mugs we would probably end up moving. At the time I had no inclination at all that a huge move was lingering on the horizon. We laughed about it and finished checking out. Just a few short weeks later I had to call her and let her know that the coffee mug prophecy was, in fact, coming true. From that point we knew today would come. Our last simple spur of the moment, what are ya doing today kinda visit. Today wasn't goodbye it was merely see ya later and I know this because our friendship has endured decades of separation.

We met when she was in 8th grade and I was in 9th. She played trumpet and I played trombone in our high school band. I think our meeting probably involved eye rolling over some nonsense we were made to do because we were famous for our eye rolling back then. If it wasn't eye rolling then it was note passing. She was there for me through thick and thin. Through broken hearts and high school drama. We had our own little tiffs but nothing that ever separated us for long. Not until we went our separate ways for college. After that she moved to Montana and I got married. Had it not been for Facebook we might still have been wondering what ever happened to the other. Three years ago we found each other on Facebook and never looked back. It was as though nothing had changed. That's true friendship when you meet up after 15 years and things are like you never missed a day. Of course, things have changed a little now we just plot trouble and don't ever carry out the plans. Our most naughty thing to do is go shopping at the Christmas tree shop. Yes, that is what happens to you as you age. You plot mustard balloon atttacks and go shopping instead. We both have boys the same age and hope that they will remain life long friends as we have managed to do. Like that lone surviving coffee mug our friendship will last through every mismatched kitchen we own because with real friends it doesn't matter what the mug looks like it only matters who is drinking from it. Love ya girly!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

hello world!



hello world!


pirate golfing

Roughing It

The trip down yesterday went very well. When I say that I mean no flat tires, no over heating of the car and no dead children. I guess they are finally growing up because I didn't once have to use the dreaded "if I have to pull this car over...." line. We have one more trip with Bill driving us home that we will be all squished together then the rest of the trips will all the kids will be divided up between cars.

You're probably wondering why I called this post roughing it. No, we aren't camping. Are you insane? It is a oven outside and that oven evidently is heaven for snakes and bugs which has me totally creeped out. Bill was telling me that people at work were telling him about special gloves you can buy to do yard work so snakes and scorpions don't bite you. My response? "have fun with that yard work honey! Where have you moved us??". Thankfully, the yard work won't be too difficult because it's already mulched for the year. I have a hard time believing snakes are frequent visitors in developments. We'll see. You'll probably be able to hear me scream the whole way in PA! Yet another reason to get a new dog....instant snake alarm! Can you buy specially trained snake alerting dogs? Also, there is the minor detail of scorpions. Yes, you read that right and no, it wasn't some bizarre autocorrect! Supposedly, they aren't full sized and the bite won't sicken you. When Bill told me sometimes they get in the house you know the first thing I said? "Get a pest control company on speed dial and nail every window and door shut!" and then he said, "They're little just this big" and he holds his thumb and pointer finger about an inch and a half apart. Of course, my reply was that of any sane female. "I stop killing bugs by myself when they reach the pout that you need to use two fingers to measure them!!!" Is he insane?!?!

Anyway, the real reason I titled this post "Roughing It" was because there is nothing to do while staying in a hotel room. Evidently, long term business stay hotels don't come with pools! So, what do you do with five people in a hotel room? I'll give ya a hint the answer isnt go curl up, and enjoy the quiet by reading a book. The answer is you spend all your free time driving from place to place finding stuff to do. Sound like fun? Not after you just spent 14 hours in a car! The other reason it's called roughing it is because when someone's air mattress pops at 4:45 and you're the mom you just end up staying up posting a blog update!

Hopefully, today we'll actually get to North Point Community Church. Last time we were here we ended up driving around looking at houses on Sunday. If we do I'll try to post some pics. Anyone know how to easily get pictures from your iPhone camera to blogger? I haven't figured that one out yet.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Passing the Time Packing Boxes

Lake Allatoona

Yes, the water was deep enough!

The insanity continues!  Even Bill looks a little nervous about this stunt!  He was the one that steadied Zach on the top rail though!

My calmer one!

"It's really hot!  But I'm still too cool for the fountains at Centennial Olympic Park!"

Smiling now though!

The only child that would pose for the camera!

Visiting the World of Coke

Walking the red carpet.....
Cheers to a new life in Georgia!  These spoiled rotten little peaches are enjoying the icey cold Coke in a glass bottle!

We are preparing for our second trip to Georgia.  I am so dreading this trip.  It takes FOREVER!!!  We have to make the trip down to officially enroll the kids in schools and so Kirsten can attend softball camp at the high school.  So we will be gone for a week and then home for a weekend and then we are officially peaches on July 17th.  I think that is when the adventure will start to get fun.  I mean let's face it my funniest material came from staying in a hotel and drinking bad coffee.  I have solved the bad coffee problem issue by packing my own coffee pot.  I know, I know I have an addiction.  Better to just feed the addiction than to deal with the withdrawal, trust me you do not want to witness me without my coffee!!!  The kids are just finishing up a night swim at 11:15pm.  Yes, my neighbors won't miss this part of my parenting.  Oh well!  Better go chase down the wet towels and wet children.  Before I go I'm adding some pictures from our last trip to Georgia! Enjoy!