Friday, July 20, 2012

We Survived the First Half of the Move

We left at about 6:30am on the 18th and arrived here in Sandy Springs around 10:30pm. No, it's not really that long of a drive.  Don't get me wrong, it is a loooonnnggg one, but the main reason it took us so long is a lot of bad luck.  The first bad luck happened in the mountains of Virginia when we came across an entire section of Rte 81 that was completely closed.  Who closes both lanes of a major highway for blasting in the middle of the day?  Better question, who reroutes all the traffic from the major highway that was closed through a tiny town the size of Rheems, PA???? The traffic was horrendous.  Worse yet, I had Lauren following me so we needed to stay together as much as possible.  That was not easy nor fun for either of us!  The second incidence was totally my fault.  I was all excited about being allowed in the HOV lanes on Rte 77.  My dear friend by the name of GPS screamed at me not to get in those lanes but did I listen???? NO!  I know you would think I had learned my lesson after our adventure in Triple X land the last time we were here.  But believe me when you are sitting in traffic and those empty HOV lanes appear they look like the golden road to heaven!  And they were until I saw the exit to Rte 85 our next highway disappear in a flash.(yes, I was flying).  That mistake resulted in us being rerouted through downtown Charlotte, NC.  It wasn't quite as bad as Triple X land but we did see an establishment called Nikki's Paper Dolls.  Kirsten and I were busy laughing over it and of course, Cole wanted to know what paper dolls are and who would want to play with them.  His innocence is always a wonderful opportunity for a chuckle.  I pray he holds on to that innocence for a long while!  I think each of those traffic nightmares accounted for an hour per incident.  The final catastrophe was the deluge of rain we drove through in South Carolina.  I'm just a little hard headed, in case you hadn't noticed,  and I will literally drive as long as I can see the car in front of me.  This rain storm actually stopped me in my tracks!  I have never seen it rain so hard.  The lightning was incredible too!  I love watching lightning from the safety of a car.  It's like having a front row seat to a great show!  Since it was such a great show and it was pouring cats and dogs, we decided to pull over and wait it out.  That probably added a half hour to the trip too.  Three major stops, a lunch break, a coffee break and multiple bathroom breaks for Cole and that is why the trip took so long!

It has taken two days but I am finally able to put a sentence together.  Yesterday I managed to get the other three kids registered for school to their dismay.  The staff was very helpful especially the high school athletic director.  He is the go to guy for anything involving the athletics here.  And with four kids involved in athletics of all kinds I'm sure we'll get to know him well.  Especially since I have two wrestlers and he was the former wrestling coach at the high school and we have two wrestlers.    I talked to Kirsten's softball coach this evening and confirmed her eligibility for the varsity team.  The eligibility rules down here are incredible.  I had to fill out about 10 forms all for the purpose of . proving that she had not been recruited or offered anything in return for attending the new school.
Of course, my sarcastic little mind came up with all kinds of things I could say to prove she had not been recruited, but since I am on this new kick of being just the sweetest little thing since sweet tea I kept my mouth shut.  Yes, you read that right.  Here I'll repeat it just so you don't think you're mind is playing tricks on ya! I KEPT MY MOUTH AND BRAIN FILLED ALL KINDS OF GOOD SARCASTIC COMMENTS COMPLETELY SHUT AND TO  MYSELF!!!  Now, I know you're probably in shock.  Don't be! The real reason is I was just too stinking tired to fight.  Especially since I had just finished filling out paperwork to enroll all the kids.  We're talking a ton of forms.  While i was filling out the forms for Zach's JH  I was chatting with the secretary there.  She was great and seems like she will be full of laughs when she meets Zach.  I almost collapsed when I handed her the forms and said, "I am so happy all the forms are done for all four kids."  And she said, " Oh honey, on the first day of school you'll get a whole new set of the same forms to fill out!"  She had a great chuckle at the look on my face.  I'm glad I made her day and she can be glad I am as sweet at sweet tea. LOL!

Next week we will begin our fall sports schedule Zach has football Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Not sure what happened to Wednesday practices.  Maybe that's just so I don't blow my brains out mid week. Kirsten has softball practices 4 out of the five days also.  Of course, we couldn't have Wednesday off.  She does have practice that day but not Tuesday.  None of this will be an issue when we are settled in our house and school is 10 minutes away but right now we are about 45 minutes away and when I have to go up to that area the whole crew must come with me.  I keep telling myself only five days of this craziness!  Lauren's cheering hasn't started yet so I guess that will be to my advantage.  I'm sure that will end up starting soon though. 

The new hotel is much more spacious and nicer than where Bill was staying.  My fun for the week has been telling people we're homeless and watching how uncomfortable they become.  I know it's mean right?  Well, I am technically homeless right now and it's kinda a social experiment.  So since it's in the name of science it's not mean.  f I was reading a book called "A Girl's Guide to Homelessness" The author talks about peoples reactions when they find out she's homeless and it made me curious.  Let's just say all the rich people here are feeling a little uncomfortable around us!  Well, I'm off to wreak more havoc!  Have a good evening!


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