Tuesday, July 24, 2012

And We're Off.....

No, we're not off to a beautiful tropical island or anywhere terribly exciting just fall sports season.  Zach's football practices are now in football swing.  His coaches are tough.  Very few water breaks and then it's only long enough for a quick swig of water and then run back out on the field.  No lolly gagging(not sure how ya spell it).  Tonight they just finished the third night of conditioning with just helmets.  Tomorrow night they have off and then Thursday they go to full pads and hitting.  Of course, Zach can't wait for the hitting to begin.  He seems to think he will be playing left wing but of course, they haven't given out any positions for sure.  They have two scrimmages in August and I'm sure no permanent positions will be given out before those are over.  He says it's pretty awkward being the new guy on the team and not knowing the plays or anyone to talk to.  I had that feeling a little tonight when I was the only parent not standing in a group chit chatting during practice.  Takes you right back to high school insecurities.  So much for Southern hospitality...maybe that's only in their individual homes or something.  I overheard one of the mom's saying she was chased through her subdivision(development) by a coyote.  At that point, I couldn't help myself  I had to inquire as to whether that is a common occurrence.  I'm sorry but when I hear chase I picture running as fast as I can(which isn't that fast) to get away from something.  And when it's a wild animal that's doing the chasing that's some scary stuff, especially one with teeth!  So, after a little chatting I found out that isn't common. Darn, just when I thought I had found an excuse to use for not going on a morning run!  Coyote sightings are evidently pretty common though even in the subdivisions.  The ladies were saying they can hear the pack howling sometimes in the evenings when they are outside.  I know! I can read your mind and you're thinking "Where did you move?"  That is exactly what I am thinking.  After basically inserting myself into that group conversation, yea I know kinda rude but it's kinda rude to not welcome people too sooooo. I found out that there is another kid on the team from our subdivision.  He just so happens to be minus a best friend since his just moved from the neighborhood a few weeks ago. She invited us for a swim day on Thursday at our new neighborhood pool.  Since we don't have the pass code we still need an invite.  At least that will give us something to do on Thursday.  And maybe we'll be able to get to know a few other neighbors too.

Kirsten finally got started with softball on Monday too.  She just had conditioning but she said it was way worse than the field hockey workouts Coach Derr had them doing last year.  Tomorrow night they have their first official team practice.  Should be interesting!

Hotel life is wearing on us all.  We are staying in a really nice two bedroom suite complete with a living room and a kitchen.  Sounds wonderful right?  Not really!  Not with four stressed out kids, a stressed out mom and a dad that just wants everyone to be happy and can't quite figure out what to do with us!  I think the biggest problem is that no one has any space to just get away from everyone and relax.  You don't realize how precious that alone time is to your sanity until you know longer have it! I also think the move is taking it's toll on the kids.  They are all secretly worrying about their sports, making new friends and everything else that goes with being the new kids.  And I'm just worrying about all of that for them! 

We did some school shopping today.  I thought it would maybe build some excitement for the first day of school.  It didn't.  As it turns out the new school dress code is even stricter than Elizabethtown's.  For the boys it isn't too bad.  They just need to make sure they aren't wearing chains and that they are wearing belts around their waists.  For the girls it's like bashing you're head against the wall.  We spent hours trying to find shorts that they were willing to wear that fit the dress code.  They don't exist!  It's basically Bermuda shorts or capris.  Well, right now it is very hard to find capris maybe again in the fall they will be around.  And the Bermuda shorts just are not all that flattering to either of the girls.  They've decided they will be wearing jeans year round.  After I talked to a couple moms at football practice that sounds like the "in" thing to do anyway.  You would think that since all the schools have the same dress code down here that the stores would carry some more fashionable looking shorts that meet the dress code.  I guess someone forgot to send them that memo!


  1. Hang in their honey...sounds like you're doing great! New people to Lancaster County think the same thing about us "locals". You all are so outgoing and every person you meet is a stepping stone to many relationships. Keep posting!

  2. Thank you for sharing what is happening with your family. Please keep them coming when you can. My heart goes out to you all, as you walk through getting into a home and a new life. I wish it would all happen like in the movies and it all seems to just get done somehow. You are an amazing mom!!! I will be praying for everything, and thank you so much for sharing with us!!!
    Tina Nolt
