Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Still Homeless

It's the last day of summer vacation for our kids. School shoes have been bought, for those that could make up their minds. Lauren wanted to wait and see what the fashion forward Georgians are wearing this fall before choosing her shoes. School sports are well under way for Kirsten and Zach. Lauren's cheering tryout will be sometime this week or next. And Cole will be trying baseball this fall for the first time. School supplies have been bought for each child. Be thankful that your schools supply your kids with a ridiculous amount of stuff. When I got the lists down here I was astounded. I would not have been surprised at all to see "please supply your own toilet paper" on the list. Of course, my school taxes are half of what they were in PA so I really can't complain. School clothes have been bought. Again, do not complain about the high school dress code in PA. It could be worse, much worse. Put it this way Cole will be wearing polo shirts and khakis and Lauren will be wearing jeans with no holes. Why jeans? That's because it is nearly impossible to find shorts that meet the requirements.

And we're still homeless... we aren't living under a bridge or in a dumpster but I'm seriously starting to wonder. We were supposed to close on the 27th and yesterday Bill told me possibly by Friday of this week. That was before he emailed the CEO of our mortgage company. It was also before he received an after hours phone call from the bank saying we had been appointed a special case worker to get things moving. No one seems to know what the hold up has been except the real estate market has picked up in recent weeks and the underwriters are swamped. We'll see! Living At the hotel hasnt been horrible but the commute to school will be...an hour one way. Things get more complicated when your child that is supposed to ride a bus needs to be a car rider too. Nothing is simple at these schools. I guess it streamlines stuff but until we are in the house it will mean I have to drive Cole to the bus stop at 7:15am and pick him up at the bus stop at 3:03pm then wait an hour on either side of those times for Zach and then wait around for the evening sports. I'm thinking we will be doing homework at the local library for this week. Unless, this new "special" caseworker solves this problem today.

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