Saturday, July 21, 2012

Living the Southern Life

Fortunately for me, my father is from the South, South Carolina specifically. So not everything has been totally strange for me. That has been part of the fun for me introducing the kids to things that I remember experiencing with my dad when we would visit relatives in the South. One of those things is boiled peanuts. Yes, they are actually boiled in salt water. When they come out they deliciously salty and and soft. The nut inside is similar in texture to a pea and the shell is easily peeled away. We discovered a little road side market at the end of the road that leads to our subdivision. They give free samples of sweet tea and sell these delicious southern delicacies. The boiled peanuts were not a total hit with the kids Kirsten didn't care for them but the other three loved them. In fact, Zach has discovered a new addiction. Every time we pass the little stand he wants some. The other thing I discovered in this little store that took me back to my childhood was grape nehis in a glass bottle. It's simply a grape soda but for me it was like a step back in time. I'm not sure why I have such fond memories of them because it's just grape soda. It could be because as a child I once shook one and when my mom went to open it it shot all over the ceiling of the kitchen. Quite the mess! If I hadn't gotten in so much trouble I would probably have been rolling on the floor laughing. Yes, if there was ever any doubt where the devilish side of my children, namely Zach, comes from you now know. In fact, sometimes I can totally relate to the goofy stuff he does and I have to remind myself to be the grown up. Other times I just go along with him and have a great bonding time and lapse back into childhood. I think more adults should follow their children's lead more often. It would definitely result in a much more interesting world and many lasting laughable memories.


  1. My southern hubby introduced me to boiled peanuts, and I thought he was a "nut" for liking them. After forcing myself to eat 5, something changed, and I love them now! I have been dreaming of pecan pralines recently too!!

    1. So which Lisa is this? Lisa up the street or Lisa the dirt bike mama? lol

  2. I agree about things popping up that remind you of the past. I recently saw the multi colored metal drinking glasses. I mentioned to my husband that my Grandma had those and they always made things taste funny. He grew up 1200 miles from me and he that it was the same for him. We talked perhaps they were not aluminum or perhaps it was the well water. We both had our favorite color also. Mine was purple. His was the red. Were these glasses around when you were growing up?

    1. Janet,
      I don't recall my grammy having any little metal cups at her house we always fought over the campbell's soup mugs.
