Sunday, July 8, 2012

Roughing It

The trip down yesterday went very well. When I say that I mean no flat tires, no over heating of the car and no dead children. I guess they are finally growing up because I didn't once have to use the dreaded "if I have to pull this car over...." line. We have one more trip with Bill driving us home that we will be all squished together then the rest of the trips will all the kids will be divided up between cars.

You're probably wondering why I called this post roughing it. No, we aren't camping. Are you insane? It is a oven outside and that oven evidently is heaven for snakes and bugs which has me totally creeped out. Bill was telling me that people at work were telling him about special gloves you can buy to do yard work so snakes and scorpions don't bite you. My response? "have fun with that yard work honey! Where have you moved us??". Thankfully, the yard work won't be too difficult because it's already mulched for the year. I have a hard time believing snakes are frequent visitors in developments. We'll see. You'll probably be able to hear me scream the whole way in PA! Yet another reason to get a new dog....instant snake alarm! Can you buy specially trained snake alerting dogs? Also, there is the minor detail of scorpions. Yes, you read that right and no, it wasn't some bizarre autocorrect! Supposedly, they aren't full sized and the bite won't sicken you. When Bill told me sometimes they get in the house you know the first thing I said? "Get a pest control company on speed dial and nail every window and door shut!" and then he said, "They're little just this big" and he holds his thumb and pointer finger about an inch and a half apart. Of course, my reply was that of any sane female. "I stop killing bugs by myself when they reach the pout that you need to use two fingers to measure them!!!" Is he insane?!?!

Anyway, the real reason I titled this post "Roughing It" was because there is nothing to do while staying in a hotel room. Evidently, long term business stay hotels don't come with pools! So, what do you do with five people in a hotel room? I'll give ya a hint the answer isnt go curl up, and enjoy the quiet by reading a book. The answer is you spend all your free time driving from place to place finding stuff to do. Sound like fun? Not after you just spent 14 hours in a car! The other reason it's called roughing it is because when someone's air mattress pops at 4:45 and you're the mom you just end up staying up posting a blog update!

Hopefully, today we'll actually get to North Point Community Church. Last time we were here we ended up driving around looking at houses on Sunday. If we do I'll try to post some pics. Anyone know how to easily get pictures from your iPhone camera to blogger? I haven't figured that one out yet.

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